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Saturday, March 20, 2010


It's not often peace takes up
residence within me
It's not often one of my plans
comes to fruition
So bare with me
As I bare the rest of myself here.

Don't view my tears as a weak part of me
Nor think of me as a woman with a weak heart
Rather, know that my
And the ridiculous words poured out here

Are so that...

The noose 'round me might loosen
That the mud in my eyes be wiped clean
For when spring finally comes
....and flowers *do* bloom
I can smile
For life should be lived
Without permission
And I should dance
Without resistance
Or without....
A song.



One step to the lighted hallway
The one that holds pictures of my past
A step back to avoid needless reminders
Of all the yesterdays I cannot change

A dream-scape in the landscape of my heart
Once crowded by weeds that choke and kill
Now clearing and refreshed by new rainfall
Replanting memories to make us smile

Never to forget the path that led me here
In reverence I hold those closest to my heart
For it is they who brought me to the present
In this life.....

Make time worth it's time
This is the promise I made to myself
Choose life
Choose love

At this moment..
...it just


Parts of Me

What part of me can I give you
That I haven't already?
I'm your open book

What part of my soul
Would you like to take refuge in?
You know I'll give you room.

What part of my love
Would you like to take pleasure in?
I offer myself...

What part of this dream
Would I ask you to become?
All of it.

For without you
Life isn't as sweet
With you though,
It goes beyond wanting....

It flourishes like winter-blooms
Unexpected life
Bringing color to my weary eyes

The orange flame never looked so lovely
The mountain top never looked so inviting
And the whisper of a breath never felt so much like home
Until moments ago.



It was the sound that swayed her
That gave that skip in her step
It was the sound that gave her smile
The one that made people wonder
It was the sound that gave her music
For without it the silence would make it something else
It was the sound that moved her
Dancing 'neath the mid day sun
It was the sound that gave her wings
The kind that let her fly with angels
It was the sound that made tears fall
The ones that brought about springtime blooms
It was the sound that gave her love
The kind that breathes life to her soul
It was the sound that healed her wounds
Only leaving behind scars, if only to remember
It was the sound that created all that embodies


A Winter Write

Silent snowflakes fall in vain
Sticking 'pon your window pane
Freezing tight the midnight stance
Gazing out to watch them dance

Gifting to your quiet mind
Clinging to this soul to find
Somewhere next to candles flame
Finding ways to end the shame

Winter loves your inner child
Drift to sleep, your nightmares wild
The key into your warrior heart
Is knowing when the knowing starts

In soft breath blows the frosty air
And seeing names written, no despair.
Fingers trace your written prose
A gift that's given; in silence flows.


I Love the Sound

They are the sounds
Caught in the tide pools
Where we thought had left with the night
To be found in the first light of the morn'

Bouncing against a rock beneath the salt water
Polished in brine from the heavens
It need no escape from this
For when you scoop it up
The sound of it, shines

Sadness abounds tho still
Tears cradled are ours
And they'll never be replaced
The sound of a drop in the palm of my hand
From a shredded heart is unmistakable

Love sometimes steps in
In the guise of rainbows and fairy tales
Sometimes that sound, stands beside the sadness
And rocks it to sleep...giving rest for the weary
Sometimes the sound offers hope
In the times when hope seems to be so deafeningly quiet

Interlocked are dreams and nightmares
Which sounds and what muse inspires us
Is our choice.


It Comes to This

It comes to this
Gingerly stepping
to avoid egg shell
scattered and mixed
with glass slivers
strewn by apathy

It comes to this
Piecing back together
what your bullet
has blown apart
Shot in momentary,
Inevitable darkness

It comes to this
A blank mind
Unable to say
What tongues
Redundant ramblings
In dark spaces.

It comes
And goes
And bleeds

And it always, comes to this....


Springtime Opening

Natural essence of
wildflower blooms
on young spring days

Seduction surpassed
sweetened droplets on skin
inhaled while running passed

Laying flat on backs
consumed by rays
ingested by flavored lips

Pure bliss
My fantasy
Lined in lust


Crystalline Bliss

Beholden love
Breathing hope
Of soft wishes
Soothing souls
Playing songs for the morrow

Drinking in morning goblets of sun
Flickering prisms, capturing
My attention
Butterfly wishes in heart shaped dishes
Where have I heard that before?

Moonrise upon sunset
Wash on the waters edge
Moot points made in redundant patterns
In this kaleidoscope of city side walks
And ocean beaches lined up with stars

Piecing together what ifs and why nots
Pleading in places unnecessary
For present understanding
Black hearts turned blue
Fighting for life and lost memory

Winning hearts and not fading
Into nothing if just for a millisecond
Begging for second chances
We feel the soft underbelly
Of human nature

Knowing what was lost
Never really is
What we thought was misplaced
Was always really there
Stealing moments in time

Precious few and far between
Content with what is...
Cradling what’s true
Drinking what is sweet
Inhaling breath for life
To watch it bloom

In fragrant dream-scapes
Of life passing fast before us
Seeking contentment
For broken hearts.....

Become crystalline bliss.


Friday, March 19, 2010

The Immortal

Ashes strewn
Flagrant hearts bleed
Drip onto the parchment
Hot waxed dripped
Stamped and sent ~ sealed
Orders carried from the King.

The wounded heal
Returning stronger
More mighty
Soar like the eagle...
As they were always meant to be
Rising up against the enemy

Wiping sweat from the weary
Handing swords to comrades
Fighting the battle till it's won
Sheaths of steal blades reflect
Blinding fury
Our foes had no chance

We rode proudly
Sang songs of predestined victory
For generations to come
Victory bore our name
Etched in timeless stories
As those in days of yore.
We were immortal.
